Here are some pix from Sunday's event at Woman Made Gallery. The space and featured art were absolutely amazing as well, so please check them out if you have the chance!
Melissa Culbertson from dancing girl press got things off to a terrific start, including sharing with us a hilarious poem about her obsession with Christian Bale:
Susan Slaviero, also from dgp, was up next with some fantastic poems on saints:
Next, dgp author and Switchback advisory board member Simone Muench was spectacular as always:
Then, bring on the Switchbackers... Helen Kiernan was up first, shaking things up with her spoken-word style and "Hooray for vaginal fluid" lines:
Then Beatriz Ruiz, with photograph-like images:
And last but not least (!), Mairead Case, who's new mini-book, Magic, is hot off the presses over at Featherproof Books! Download it NOW. I actually teared up at this one for some reason:
Not to be outdone was our lovely host, local poet and artist Lauren Levato. Thanks to her and Woman Made for having us!
Damn straight.
It was a pleasure to read with all of you!
haha i like the line you quoted. man, that's the most fun i've ever had with a crippling hangover on a sunday morning. that gallery was sweet dude! it was so great to share the stage with a such a talented group of vagina-havers.
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