Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Mónica de la Torre at CalArts Thursday and Friday!

MFA Writing Visiting Artist Series: Readings by Mónica de la Torre and Danielle Dutton
Thursday, December 2, 2010 - 7:00pm
CalArts, Butler Building #4

CRITICAL STUDIES: Mónica de la Torre’s Public Domain arrives from Mexico with the ambition to be a personal anthology. Its constantly shifting formats that remind one that experimentation is driven by glee at noticing how malleable the world can be. In one piece she writes a series of letters addressed by an orphan to her biological mother, Mónica de la Torre, who might be a transsexual model, a scientist who studies “the properties of fried and baked tortilla chips,” or the member of a high school varsity team. Get the picture!

MFA Writing Visiting Artist Series - Contemporary Publishing: Avenues and Intersections
Friday, December 3, 2010 - 2:00pm
CalArts, Library

Join BOMB Magazine Senior Editor Mónica de la Torre, Dorothy Press editor and publisher Danielle Dutton, Martin Riker, Associate Director for Dalkey Archive, and founder/publisher of L.A.-based Siglio Press, Lisa Pearson, in an open discussion about their respective roles, vision, aesthetics and sense of the state and future of print publications.

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