Thursday, April 01, 2010

the Gurlesque Debate

A debate about the Gurlesque is on. Amy King, Ana Božicevic, Danielle Pafunda, and Lara Glenum (and others) discuss the Gurlesque and queerness. See these two fine blogs to read the discussion.

Amy King’s Alias:

Lara Glenum and Johannes Göransson's Exoskeleton:


hanna said...

Amy's link doesn't seem to be working, but this one should:

I think the fact that the Gurlesque anthology is bringing forward strong reactions about these issues is a good thing. Women poets SHOULD be talking about queerness, appropriation, weighty terminology(ies), heterosexual and homosexual realities and constructs, writing the feminine (and in that case, the femme and the not-femme) etc.

My feeling is that Gurlesque is an emerging and likely evolving concept. The debate is valuable.

hanna said...

For that matter, *ALL* poets should be talking about those issues.

becca said...

I agree, Hanna! I think the fact that the conversations get so fraught is because people are deeply, personally invested in identities and performances and genders and poetics -- of course! And we wouldn't have it any other way.